2 Apps to Stay Organized When Thrift Shopping
If you want to stay organized when on-the-hunt, then I recommend using two apps on your phone.
Estate Sale Christmas Haul
I LOVE to play the game of “what would I buy if I were shopping at this estate sale?”
On My Thrift List
Recently I went through my closet in an effort to make room. I had been pulling for the same things to wear week after week and decided enough was enough and things needed to get purged.
What Thrifting Is Really Like
For years I blew off thrifting as a bunch of overpriced junk in a nasty store.
Where to Thrift Shop in Gaston County
Thrift days are my favorite days, but sometimes I hit a wall when it comes to places to shop.
Thrift Store Finds + What I Bought To Resell
As I’ve made a dent in our backlog of inventory to sell during our project lull, I debated stopping by the thrift store this weekend to see what I might find.
Organizing Lesson #1
There is a common thread when organizing and decluttering that goes something like this: