Three Reasons to Have an Estate Sale While Downsizing

What do you think of when you hear the term “estate sale”?

Most people think of a sale that happens to close an estate after someone has passed away.

While that is a large part of this service, there is another situation that is perfectly suited for an estate sale and that is a downsize.

Let’s say you are moving from 3,200 sq to 2,000 sq ft. Mathematically speaking it is impossible to move one home into a smaller home. Therefore some decisions need to be made about what to keep and what to let go.

After that decision has been made, then another subset of questions arise.

Should we donate this? Throw it away? Sell it ourselves? If so, then where? Yard sale? Facebook Marketplace? But who has the time to manage all of that while trying to pack and coordinate a move.

Enter estate sales!

Most will think they don’t have enough to qualify for an estate sale, but friend I am here to tell you that downsizing sales are estate sales best friend.

We’ve hosted several estate sales for families making their first downsize and the results were exceptional! It comes down to the fact that the items are relatively new and still very much on trend.

Three benefits to a downsizing sale":

Save money

Save on the cost to move by deciding BEFOREHAND what to keep and what to let go. Nothing is worse than paying several thousand dollars to a moving company only to unbox it at your new home and decide to get rid of it.

Make money

Offset the cost of the move with proceeds from the estate sale.

Reduce the stress

Moving is stressful enough but add in a downsize and the stress level just went up threefold. Reduce your stress load by deciding what you want to keep, packing and moving, and leaving the rest for a liquidator to handle. Watch the weight on your shoulders melt off.

If you are planning to downsize in the next year, then I recommend scheduling a call with us so we can guide the process. The earlier you have this conversation the better as there are several moving parts and you want to align the timelines and calendars.

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