Reseller Shipping Tip

From one sale to another, we have the pleasure of meeting all sorts of customers. Some who came because they knew the family. Some who came because they were looking for the XYZ piece of furniture. Some who came because they were resellers.

The final group always intrigues me. I love to hear the resellers journey and their selling strategy.

Some love to sell online and online only.

Some love to sell in boutique resell shops.

Some love to sell both online and in a store.

Some love the idea of how easy the antique mall concept is, and of course a ton of other combinations in between.

I personally love reselling online (you know this), however when I encourage other resellers who shy away from it, I usually hear the common remark of

โ€œBut I donโ€™t want to deal with shipping!โ€

Understandable as shipping requires supplies and can be tiresome if you are extremely busy.

If you are interested in selling online but worried about the shipping, here is my tip that will save you from broken shipments and return requests.

Triple Bubble Wrap

  • If you are shipping anything breakable, then wrap it three times in bubble wrap.

  • Make sure the box is large enough for the item and bubble wrap.

  • Fill in any gaps with packing paper or newspaper and voila!

Safely packaged and ready to ship!

package weight, package dimensions, and distance from shipping zip code

When shipping, I prefer to utilize the built in shipping service that most platforms offer. This saves time, instantly uploads shipping information for the buyer, and oftentimes saves money.

What is your best shipping tip?

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