FAQ: Why Are Things Marked Sold Before The Estate Sale Begins?

A common question we receive from customers regarding our estate sales is:

Why are things marked sold before the estate sale begins?

Our sales happen in three phases with the public sale being the final phase.

Phase one is the pre-sale. This is mostly furniture, appliances, and larger items that take up significant space within the home.

These items are inventoried, photographed, and listed online up to four weeks before the estate sale.

Phase two is the early access event. This is a limited ticketed event for customers who prefer to shop the estate sale before everyone else. This is also the first time that the home is opened up for purchases of large and small items.

Most customers who attend the early access event share that they are happy to buy a ticket in exchange for a much more pleasant experience.

Phase three is the public sale. This is when we open the doors to everyone and allow the public to shop the home.

We always recommend that customers join our newsletter to learn about sales first, when pre-sales are live, how to buy a ticket for the early access event, and more!

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