Silver Casserole Holders - Repurpose Idea

I wish I could take the credit for this idea, but alas this was shared by the team who saw it online. Nevertheless, it was too good not to share with you!

There are things that you see over and over at the thrift stores; silverplate casserole holders are one of them. The original intent was to use as a type of trivet for glass casserole dishes.

Instead of putting your steaming dish of mac & cheese on the stove for serving, you can dress it up at the table with these silverplate holders.

While still applicable today, most of us tend to leave the mac & cheese on the stovetop for serving. ;)

Enter this new idea for those gorgeous holders.

Book Corral

They work like bookends but corral a set of books in a different way. Use this on a coffee table or a bookshelf.

Now that you’ve seen this new and improved idea - are you likely to try it out in your home?

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Thrift w/me: Part 7


Amazon Find: Part 5 + How to Organize Your Jewelry Drawer