4 Habits That Will Maximize Your Flipping Business

These four habits greatly impacted the success rate of our flipping business. I encourage you to cultivate them from the start of your journey. One of the hardest parts of starting and growing your flipping business is getting the momentum to start and to continue to list items for sale.

I know some flippers who put off listing until they have curated a nice little collection, others list almost immediately once they’ve purchased inventory. I tend to be a mixture of both: listing as soon as possible but also timing them to be season specific.

Habit #1: List Weekly

The more often you list, the more often your items will show up in search results. Just like social media apps show preference to accounts that are actively using their platforms, Etsy and eBay do the same. The more you list and the more consistent you are, the more you show up when someone is searching and shopping. This my friend is a good thing!

Habit #2: Photograph on Monday

Or whatever day of the week works best for you. At the beginning of the week, I decide how many listings I would like to go live, then I pull out the number of items that I plan to list.

From there I stage and photograph them, making sure to get as many detail and angle shots as possible.

Here recently, I’ve been using my iPhone to photograph but still rely on my Sony A8000 for high quality shots.

Habit #3: Break Up Listing Days

If you want to keep a steady pace and not burn out on flipping, then I highly recommend breaking up your inventory and listing throughout the week.

As I mentioned above, I decide at the beginning of the week how many items I want to go live. I gauge this based on my availability to photograph and list.

Let’s say I decide to list 12 items that week and plan to photograph on Monday and list Tuesday through Friday. This means I will list 3 items each day until all 12 items are live.

I have found this pace has helped me stay consistent and not burn out from an overabundance of listings.

Habit #4: Always Ask For Feedback

Consistently listing and receiving positive feedback from customers are the two greatest things you can do for your reselling business. The #1 way to get more feedback is to ask for it.

And the most appropriate way to ask for it is to use a postcard. I’ve used simple thank you cards before with a handwritten note to each buyer. However, I have received the most consistent positive feedback once I started using our “Thank You” postcards.

We have an entire Etsy store full of templates for you. Some you can download and print through a third party printer. Some are templates that you can change the color, font, etc and print directly through Canva.

These are the habits that I have found that work best for our flipping and reselling business. Take what works for you and leave what doesn’t.

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